These are privately owned message boards, here for you, our guests. They facilitate the atmosphere where you can express yourself, for the topics presented. While we believe in "freedom of speech", we ask for restraint. We expect you to think you are face to face with your friends as you contribute on the forums. Our forums are read by media industry persons, enthusiasts, media students and their families, including KIDS. So mind your manners.
Rule of thumb is, DON'T DO IT if:
You would not do it via human contact in public.
You would not want it being done to you.
- Personal Attacks, slander, inappropriate language.
- Material that defames, abuses or threatens others.
- Material that contains vulgar, obscene or indecent language or images (misspelling for the intent of the above is also not allowed).
- Statements that contain bigotry, hate or are racially offensive.
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- Speculation or rumors regarding anyone's personal life (if it's not in the news, publicized or verifiable, then don't post it here).
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- The same posts across multiple boards or posted multiple times.
- NO off Topic posts. In other words, stick on topic!
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- Any other threads, posts or material declared unacceptable by the administration or staff.
- Please do not assume or allude to an identity that is not your own. While we are not responsible for any such actions, YOU are and are liable to any possible legal action.
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